Itemized Rates & Services ▼
▲ Introduction
Actual costs of any project depend on factors particular to the job, including efficiencies of large projects. Smaller jobs often reflect the total cost of their one or two components; larger jobs usually cost considerably less than the sum of their components.
Clients can always minimize costs (and production time) by following the tips and guidelines found on this site.
Itemized rates and services fall into eight categories:
- General Services
- Flyers, Posters, Ads
- Photos, Digital Art
- Technical Illustrations
- Stationery, Business Forms and Cards
- Newsletters, Pamphlets
- Books, Monographs
- Websites
▲ General Services
ID# | Service Name | Rate | Unit |
101 | File translation | $25 | file |
102 | File stripping/cleaning (text) | $.003 | char |
103 | File preparation | $80 | hour |
104 | Format/reformat files (text) | $155 | file |
105 | Extract usable text from PDF | $125 | file |
106 | Extract usable text | $80 | hour |
107 | Archive files <100 MB | $25 | set |
108 | Archive files 100 MB–1 GB | $50 | set |
109 | Archive files >1 GB | $100 | set |
111 | Preflight | $80 | hour |
121 | Preparation of digital files (simple) | $70 | set |
122 | Preparation of digital files (regular) | $105 | set |
123 | Preparation of digital files (complex) | $175 | set |
124 | Preparation of digital files (intricate) | $280 | set |
125 | PostScript/PDF files (press quality) | $15 | file |
126 | PostScript/PDF file, cover (press quality) | $35 | file |
127 | PostScript/PDF file, multiple | $10 | file |
128 | PDF file/proof/multiple | $4 | file |
129 | PDF from text doc (minimal) | $15 | file |
130 | PDF from client file | $45 | file |
131 | Direct printing | $80 | hour |
133 | Web access/posting | $100 | job |
135 | Reprint archived files (simple) | $20 | file |
136 | Reprint archived files (regular) | $35 | file |
137 | Reprint archived files (complex) | $80 | hour |
141 | Key edits, MSWord trk chgs | $40 | hour |
142 | Author/client revisions | $80 | hour |
143 | Editorial revisions | $80 | hour |
144 | Copyedit | $0.05 | word |
145 | Rescale/repurpose (simple) | $10 | item |
146 | Rescale/repurpose (regular) | $15 | item |
147 | Rescale/repurpose (complex) | $25 | item |
148 | Rescale/repurpose (intricate) | $50 | item |
151 | Font/character, custom | $80 | hour |
152 | Custom font | $410 | job |
153 | Remap font/characters | $80 | hour |
154 | Font/character customization | $120 | job |
155 | Miscellaneous | $80 | hour |
156 | Barcode, set-up, generate | $25 | set |
161 | Page layout, 1 color | $60 | page |
162 | Page layout, 2 colors | $85 | page |
171 | Place graphic/object | $15 | item |
172 | Place new graphic | $30 | item |
181 | Proofing, hrly | $80 | hour |
182 | Proofread text | $0.03 | word |
183 | Edit text (language & usage) | $0.06 | word |
184 | Production/project editing | $80 | hour |
185 | Subcontracted services | $.0 | job |
186 | Quoted service | $2,000 | job |
187 | Administrative assistance | $30 | hour |
191 | Digital files, a (rights) | $295 | job |
192 | Digital files, b (rights) | $585 | job |
193 | Digital files, c (rights) | $875 | job |
101 | File translation | 25 | file |
102 | File stripping/cleaning (text) | 0.003 | char |
103 | File preparation | 80 | hour |
104 | Format/reformat text file | 155 | file |
105 | Extract editable text from PDF | 125 | file |
106 | Extract editable text | 80 | hour |
107 | Archive files <100 MB | 30 | set |
108 | Archive files 100 MB–1 GB | 60 | set |
109 | Archive files >1 GB | 100 | set |
111 | Preflight | 80 | hour |
120 | Press files, special | 30 | job |
121 | Preparation of digital files (simple) | 70 | set |
122 | Preparation of digital files (regular) | 105 | set |
123 | Preparation of digital files (complex) | 175 | set |
124 | Preparation of digital files (intricate) | 280 | set |
125 | PDF/PostScript file (press quality) | 15 | file |
126 | PDF/PostScript file, cover (press quality) | 35 | file |
127 | PDF/PostScript files, multiple | 10 | file |
128 | PDF file/proof/multiple | 4 | file |
129 | PDF from text doc (minimal) | 15 | file |
130 | PDF from client file | 45 | file |
131 | Direct printing | 80 | hour |
133 | Web access/posting | 100 | job |
135 | Reprint/PDF archived files (simple) | 25 | file |
136 | Reprint/PDF archived files (regular) | 35 | file |
137 | Reprint/PDF archived files (complex) | 80 | hour |
141 | Key edits, MSWord trk chgs | 40 | hour |
142 | Author/client revisions | 80 | hour |
143 | Editorial revisions | 80 | hour |
145 | Rescale/repurpose (simple) | 15 | item |
146 | Rescale/repurpose (regular) | 25 | item |
147 | Rescale/repurpose (complex) | 40 | item |
148 | Rescale/repurpose (intricate) | 60 | item |
155 | Miscellaneous | 80 | hour |
156 | Barcode, set-up, generate | 25 | set |
161 | Page layout, 1 color | 60 | page |
162 | Page layout, 2 colors | 85 | page |
171 | Place graphic/object | 18 | item |
172 | Place new graphic | 30 | item |
181 | Proofing, hrly | 80 | hour |
182 | Proofread text | 0.025 | word |
183 | Edit text (language & usage) | 0.06 | word |
184 | Copyedit text | 0.05 | word |
185 | Subcontracted services | job | |
186 | Quoted service | 2000 | job |
187 | Administrative assistance | 35 | hour |
191 | Digital files, a (rights) | 295 | job |
192 | Digital files, b (rights) | 585 | job |
193 | Digital files, c (rights) | 875 | job |
199 | Courtesy/discount | 80 | hour |
▲ Flyers, Posters, Ads
ID# | Service Name | Rate | Unit |
213 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, A, 1-color no illus | 90 | side |
214 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, B, 1-color, no illus | 110 | side |
215 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, C, 1-color, no illus | 140 | side |
216 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, D, 1-color, no illus | 175 | side |
217 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, E, 1-color, no illus | 215 | side |
223 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, A, 1-color, w/illus | 110 | side |
224 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, B, 1-color, w/illus | 140 | side |
225 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, C, 1-color, w/illus | 175 | side |
226 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, D, 1-color, w/illus | 215 | side |
227 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, E, 1-color, w/illus | 270 | side |
233 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, A, 2-color, no illus | 110 | side |
234 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, B, 2-color, no illus | 140 | side |
235 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, C, 2-color, no illus | 175 | side |
236 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, D, 2-color, no illus | 215 | side |
237 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, E, 2-color, no illus | 270 | side |
243 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, A, 2-color, w/illus | 140 | side |
244 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, B, 2-color, w/illus | 175 | side |
245 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, C, 2-color, w/illus | 215 | side |
246 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, D, 2-color, w/illus | 270 | side |
247 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, E, 2-color, w/illus | 340 | side |
253 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, A, full color, w/illus | 140 | side |
254 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, B, full color, w/illus | 175 | side |
255 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, C, full color, w/illus | 215 | side |
256 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, D, full color, w/illus | 270 | side |
257 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, E, full color, w/illus | 340 | side |
263 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, A, full color, w/illus | 175 | side |
264 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, B, full color, w/illus | 215 | side |
265 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, C, full color, w/illus | 270 | side |
266 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, D, full color, w/illus | 340 | side |
267 | Flyr/pstr/ad design, E, full color, w/illus | 425 | side |
281 | Flyr/pstr/ad production, 1-color, no illus | 90 | job |
282 | Flyr/pstr/ad production, 1-color, w/illus | 150 | job |
283 | Flyr/pstr/ad production, 2-color, no illus | 120 | job |
284 | Flyr/pstr/ad production, 2-color, w/illus | 200 | job |
285 | Flyr/pstr/ad production, full color, no illus | 150 | job |
286 | Flyr/pstr/ad production, full color, w/illus | 250 | job |
▲ Photos, Digital Art
ID# | Service Name | Rate | Unit |
301 | Photo: scan, adjust/etc. | 80 | item |
302 | Photo: scan, prep for press | 100 | item |
303 | Printed photo: scan, adjust/etc. | 80 | item |
304 | Printed photo: scan, prep for press | 100 | item |
305 | Printed art: scan, scale/clean/etc. | 80 | item |
306 | Printed art: scan, prep for press | 100 | item |
307 | Art/line art: scan, scale/clean/etc. | 80 | item |
308 | Art/line art: scan, prep for press | 100 | item |
309 | Raster file: b/w, prep for press | 60 | item |
310 | Raster file: prep for press | 80 | item |
316 | Line art: retouch/rework (simple) | 40 | page |
317 | Line art: retouch/rework (regular) | 60 | page |
318 | Line art: retouch/rework (complex) | 95 | page |
319 | Line art: retouch/rework (intricate) | 150 | page |
341 | Digital illustration, place | 45 | item |
342 | Digital illustration: rework | 120 | item |
343 | Digital illustration: original (a) | 175 | item |
344 | Digital illustration: original (b) | 235 | item |
345 | Digital illustration: original (c) | 295 | item |
346 | Digital illustration: original (d) | 380 | item |
351 | Map, simple, 1-color | 295 | item |
352 | Map, regular, 1-color | 410 | item |
353 | Map, complex, 1-color | 585 | item |
354 | Map, intricate, 1-color | 935 | item |
355 | Map, special, 1-color | 175 | item |
356 | Map, special/supra, 1-color | 235 | item |
361 | Map, simple, 2-color | 320 | item |
362 | Map, regular, 2-color | 435 | item |
363 | Map, complex, 2-color | 610 | item |
364 | Map, intricate, 2-color | 960 | item |
365 | Map, special, 2-color | 200 | item |
366 | Map, special/supra, 2-color | 260 | item |
371 | Map, simple, full color | 335 | item |
372 | Map, regular, full color | 450 | item |
373 | Map, complex, full color | 625 | item |
374 | Map, intricate, full color | 975 | item |
375 | Map, special, full color | 215 | item |
376 | Map, special/supra, full color | 275 | item |
381 | Logo (initial development) | 525 | job |
383 | Adapted illustration, regular | 60 | item |
384 | Adapted illustration, complex | 90 | item |
385 | Alter for print/style specs | 100 | item |
386 | Prep bulk asrtd illustrations (a) | 22 | item |
387 | Prep bulk asrtd illustrations (b) | 30 | item |
391 | Design, layout, setup | 120 | item |
▲ Technical Illustrations
ID# | Service Name | Rate | Unit |
401 | Technical illustration, simple | 45 | item |
402 | Technical illustration, regular | 60 | item |
403 | Technical illustration, complex | 85 | item |
404 | Technical illustration, supra | 100 | item |
405 | Technical illustration, intricate | 120 | item |
406 | Technical illustration, supra-intricate | 150 | item |
411 | Technical illustration, compound, simple | 30 | unit |
412 | Technical illustration, compound, regular | 50 | unit |
413 | Technical illustration, compound, complex | 70 | unit |
414 | Technical illustration, compound, supra | 85 | unit |
415 | Technical illustration, compound, intricate | 105 | unit |
421 | Technical illustration, revise, simple | 30 | item |
422 | Technical illustration, revise, regular | 50 | item |
423 | Technical illustration, revise, complex | 70 | item |
424 | Technical illustration, revise, supra | 85 | item |
425 | Technical illustration, revise, intricate | 105 | item |
431 | Graph, simple | 70 | item |
432 | Graph, regular | 105 | item |
433 | Graph, complex | 175 | item |
451 | Scaling set-up, simple | 45 | job |
452 | Scaling set-up, regular | 90 | job |
453 | Scaling set-up, compound | 120 | job |
454 | Typographic setup | 90 | job |
481 | Surcharge, illegible copy, TI/smpl | 20 | item |
482 | Surcharge, illegible copy, TI/reg | 30 | item |
483 | Surcharge, illegible copy, TI/cmplx | 45 | item |
485 | Surcharge, illegible copy, TI/intr | 60 | item |
491 | Surcharge, illegible copy, TI/cmpnd/smpl | 15 | unit |
492 | Surcharge, illegible copy, TI/cmpnd/reg | 25 | unit |
493 | Surcharge, illegible copy, TI/cmpnd/cmplx | 35 | unit |
495 | Surcharge, illegible copy, TI/cmpnd/intr | 55 | unit |
▲ Stationery, Business Forms and Cards
ID# | Service Name | Rate | Unit |
521 | Business card, design | 90 | job |
522 | Business card, production | 60 | item |
535 | Form, design & production, 1 color | 295 | job |
536 | Form, design & production, 2 colors | 350 | job |
541 | Form production, size A, 1 color, no graphics | 85 | page |
542 | Form production, size B, 1 color, no graphics | 115 | page |
543 | Form production, size C, 1 color, no graphics | 165 | page |
546 | Form revision, size A, 1 color, no graphics | 60 | page |
547 | Form revision, size B, 1 color, no graphics | 85 | page |
548 | Form revision, size C, 1 color, no graphics | 120 | page |
561 | Letterhead, design & production | 235 | job |
567 | Envelope (matching), design & production | 90 | item |
568 | Envelope, design & production | 175 | job |
569 | Envelope, alt size, design & production | 60 | job |
▲ Newsletters, Pamphlets
ID# | Service Name | Rate | Unit |
611 | Newsletter design, 1 color | 585 | job |
612 | Newsletter design, 2+ colors | 700 | job |
615 | Newsletter layout & typography, 1 color | 60 | page |
616 | Newsletter layout & typography, 2+ colors | 70 | page |
631 | Brochure design, 1 color | 585 | job |
632 | Brochure design, 2+ colors | 700 | job |
635 | Brochure layout & typography, 1 color | 60 | page |
636 | Brochure layout & typography, 2+ colors | 70 | page |
655 | Page layout & typography, 1 color | 70 | page |
656 | Page layout & typography, 2 colors | 85 | page |
657 | Page layout & typography, full color | 120 | page |
▲ Books, Monographs
ID# | Service Name | Rate | Unit |
711 | Typography | 0.005 | char |
715 | Typography, expert/pro fonts | 0.006 | char |
721 | Book design: style, format, layouts, fonts | 585 | job |
723 | Monograph design: style, format, layouts, fonts | 585 | job |
727 | Booklet design: style, format, layouts, fonts | 295 | job |
731 | Table, simple | 65 | item |
732 | Table, regular | 80 | item |
733 | Table, complex | 130 | item |
734 | Table, intricate | 175 | item |
736 | Table extension | 40 | unit |
737 | Table, adjust/modify | 20 | unit |
741 | Book cover, 1-color, design & production (ltd) | 350 | job |
742 | Book cover, 1-color, design & production | 470 | job |
743 | Book cover, 2-color, design & production (ltd) | 410 | job |
744 | Book cover, 2-color, design & production | 585 | job |
745 | Book cover, design & production (ltd) | 525 | job |
746 | Book cover, design & production | 760 | job |
747 | Booklet cover, 1-color, w/graphic, design & prodtn | 175 | job |
748 | Booklet cover, 2-color, w/graphic, design & prodtn | 295 | job |
749 | Booklet cover, full color, design & prodtn | 410 | job |
751 | Index compilation | 80 | hour |
752 | Index generation | 2.75 | item |
753 | Concordance compilation | 80 | hour |
755 | Index edit & prep | 0.125 | entry |
761 | PDF for “search inside” | 100 | item |
762 | Press files, cover+text, new printing | 200 | job |
763 | Digital reprint, convert, PDF archived text (multi) | 12 | file |
764 | Cover, digital, convert from archive | 100 | file |
765 | Cover, redesign digital, 1 color | 100 | file |
766 | Cover, redesign digital, 2 colors | 125 | file |
767 | Cover, redesign digital, full color | 200 | file |
771 | eBook, from printed edition files | 500 | job |
772 | eBook, advanced features (addnl) | 275 | job |
773 | eBook index | 300 | job |
774 | eBook tables (addnl) | 125 | job |
775 | eBook edits | 200 | ea |
▲ Websites
ID# | Service Name | Rate | Unit |
811 | Site design & construction (A) | 95 | page |
812 | Site design & construction (B) | 120 | page |
813 | Site design & construction (C) | 150 | page |
814 | Site design & construction (D) | 175 | page |
815 | Site/page design & construction (special) | 40 | page |
817 | CMS website design & develop (A) | 1300 | job |
818 | CMS website design & develop (B) | 1900 | job |
819 | CMS website design & develop (C) | 2500 | job |
821 | Page/site revision (A) | 95 | page |
822 | Page/site revision (B) | 120 | page |
823 | Page/site revision (C) | 150 | page |
824 | Page/site revision (D) | 175 | page |
831 | Site mapping | 80 | hour |
851 | Site maintenance | 80 | hour |
853 | Site updates (routine) | 80 | hour |
854 | Site updates (non-routine) | 80 | hour |
855 | Post major PDF, optimize, crosslinks | 20 | file |
856 | Optimize file | 15 | file |
857 | Site upgrades | 80 | hour |
861 | HTML/CSS Coding (regular) | 80 | hour |
862 | HTML/CSS Coding (data/tables) | 120 | hour |
871 | Graphics preparation (for web) | 80 | hour |
872 | Scan, scale, compress web graphic | 10 | item |
873 | Scan, scale, adjust, compress web graphic | 12 | item |
875 | File translation/encoding (web) | 30 | item |
881 | Original web graphics | 80 | hour |
882 | Original web graphic, simple | 35 | item |
885 | Animated graphic (a) | 120 | item |
886 | Animated graphic (b) | 175 | item |
891 | Site design, construction (special) | 1200 | job |
895 | Server/hosting/domain | 15 | mo |
Last updated 13 May 2023 (Saturday) at 13:25:42 PDT ▲