Identity Project

Samples of “identity” pieces for the Yale Tropical Resources Institute, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Tropical Resources Institute Logo in three incarnations

As requested by the client, the logo incorporates the recognizatble themes of the institute, including natural resources and human activity
(logo is shown in black and white and in color versions for two-color printing; full color variations for web and print are in development)

Cover (back & front) for Scholarly Newsletter

Tropical Resources
The Bulletin of the Yale Tropical Resources Institute
(back and front cover design, incorporating new logo and school approved color palette; actual newsletter is 8.5"x11")

Poster Template, for modification by client

Tabloid size poster template,
designed as Adobe Photoshop template that can be modified by client for each event.
Instructions provided. Layout allows for adding scanned photos.
Incorporates new logo and school approved color palette.

Last updated 14 August 2021 (Saturday) at 16:29:10 EDT