H.G. Salome: brief curriculum vitae, references ▼
Grew up in southern New Mexico (USA)
B.Mus, New Mexico State University
M.Phil, History of Music, Yale University
1970s–90s — part-time staff member at Yale; advocated and instituted administrative reforms
Late 1980s and early 1990s — instituted numerous successful innovations and “firsts” in the application of computer technologies to departmental administrative systems at Yale University, e.g.:
- Designed and implemented first integrated systems for funds, budgeting, and database management in international and area studies
- Created and managed first computer network for administration of academic programs in international and area studies
- Established University’s first integrated, computerized system for administering grants and fellowships (for West European Studies in the 1990s).
- Established first online communications program and Internet presence in international and area studies (for Latin American Studies, 1993–1995)
- Late 1980s — as early adopter of then new tools of digital graphics and digital publishing, applied their efficiencies and creative possibilities to numerous academic support services
1980s–1993 — Freelance digital designer, typographer, and technical illustrator
1993 — founded MetaGlyfix (then “Metaglyphics”) in Hamden, Connecticut
▲ Ancillary skills and experience
Among useful skills and experiences are:
- familiarity with non-English languages (Spanish, French, German, Italian, Latin)
- copy-writing, editing, publishing
- composition and publication of critical analyses, essays, letters, and newspaper articles
- analyzing and organizing data and copy for web publishing
- trouble-shooting and solving computer operating system and application problems (for Macintosh)
James C. Scott, Sterling Professor, Political Science/Anthropology; Director, Program in Agrarian Studies; Former Chair, Council on Southeast Asia Studies (all at Yale University)
Michael R. Dove, Margaret K. Musser Professor of Social Ecology; Professor of Anthropology, Curator of Anthropology Peabody Museum; Co-Coordinator, Joint F&ES/Anthropology Doctoral Program (all at Yale University)
Kris Mooseker, Program Manager, Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University
Marvel Kay Mansfield, Coordinator (ret.), Program in Agrarian Studies, Yale University
For additional references, see any author or client cited with works listed in the Gallery
… send email either to personal [permanent Yale alumni] address or to business [MetaGlyfix] address.
Last updated 02 December 2023 (Saturday) at 17:54:48 EST ▲